Records of ISIS members to be deployed to South Kurdistan exposed

The records of the ISIS members that the KDP, in partnership with the Turkish state, will deploy to South Kurdistan have been exposed.

More than 800 ISIS members trained by the Turkish state in Afrin with the support of KDP, the ruling party in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, to be taken to Metina, Amadiya and Duhok line were exposed by the South Kurdistan-based Spee Media website.

Pointing out that the occupying Turkish state intensified its attacks on the Metina and Amediye regions, Spee Media revealed with documents that the Turkish state plans to bring more than 800 Syrian paramilitary gangs in Turkish army uniforms.

The document contains the registration details of 416 Syrian paramilitary gangs that the occupying Turkish state plans to bring to South Kurdistan in the coming days. It is learned that some of them were trained by MIT (Turkish intelligence service) in Afrin centre and their total number exceeds 800.

The report stated that these gangs have been used by the occupying Turkish state in recent years to fight against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the People's Defense Forces (HPG).

According to Spee Media website, some of these forces are still being trained by Turkey in Afrin, mainly with small and medium weapons. Spee Media also published a list of the names of the ISIS members in question.