Resistance in Van continues

The resistance of the people continues in Van following the sentence given to Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Abdullah Zeydan. The vigil in front of the municipality continued until the morning, while young people protested in the neighbours.

After the decision to sentence Van Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Abdullah Zeydan to 3 years and 9 months in prison, the people began a vigil in front of the municipality.

New protests are planned for today. Democratic Regions Party (DBP) co-chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) co-chair Tülay Hatimoğulları will also attend the protest at noon.

On Tuesday night, temperatures dropped to minus 10 degrees, but the vigil lasted until the morning. Fires were lit in front of the municipal building at night, and people danced in circles for hours. Young people also lit fireworks, illuminating the night. 

Many deputies and co-mayors participated in the vigil. Among them were Amed Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Doğan Hatun, dismissed Dêrsim Municipality co-mayor Birsen Orhan, and Southeastern Anatolia Municipalities Union (GABB) co-chair Siraç Çelik. 

Amed Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Doğan Hatun said:  "The people of Van are reclaiming their will and standing by their representatives once again. No one can stand against you. Just as you gave them a historic lesson in the 31 March 2024 local elections, you will do so again today. The Kurdish people have always defended their will, land, and culture, and they will do what is necessary today as well. The Kurdish people will stand up for their rights and will everywhere. This country is ours, this land is ours, this water is ours. No one can occupy our land and country. This century will be our century." 

GABB co-chair Siraç Çelik said: "As long as the people and this resistance stand behind us, we will always win. No power can stand against this resistance. We go to elections and defeat them, but they fabricate different justifications to carry out such conspiracies against our will. They will never achieve what they hope for. The Kurdish people are standing, defending their will. We will not allow this usurpation." 

Resistance everywhere 

While the vigil continued, young people staged a protest in the Demiryolu neighborhood of Rêya Armûşe (Ipekyolu) district. They set up barricades in the neighborhood to protest the decision. When attacked by Turkish police, the young people responded with fireworks, stones, and Molotov cocktails. The resistance against the sentence spread to other neighborhoods as well.