‘Turkey has built 50 new bases, committed 100 violations in South Kurdistan in a week’

Jabar Omar, an official of the Coordination Framework, announced that the occupying Turkish state has built at least 50 new military bases, five of them very large, and violated Iraqi sovereignty 100 times in a week.

According to RojNews, Jabar Omar, an official of the Coordination Framework, told Iraqi media that the Turkish state violated Iraq's sovereignty 100 times in a week and the Iraqi Foreign Ministry did not react to this.

Stating that the actions of the occupying Turkish army in Duhok are very dangerous, Jabar Omar said, "The Turkish army has built 50 new military bases, 5 of which are very large, and deployed thousands of soldiers there. As a result of Turkey's attacks, hundreds of families migrated and dozens of villages were emptied. 20 thousand acres of fields and forests have also turned to ashes."

Jabbar Omar criticised the silence of the Baghdad government and said: "This silence must be broken, and the world must be informed about Turkey's violations against the territory of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. The Turkish state should be complained against to the International Court of Justice."