Turkish air strikes target villages in South Kurdistan

The Turkish state continues its attacks in various parts of Kurdistan as part of its genocidal campaign against the Kurdish people.

Warplanes of the occupying Turkish state bombarded villages in the regions of Zap and Metîna in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) on Friday.

While there is no information about possible casualties caused by the simultaneous bombardments, bomb fragments are seen in the civilian-populated areas. 

The Turkish state escalated its genocidal attacks across Kurdistan territory thanks to international silence and inaction in the face of its crimes against the Kurdish people. The invading Turkish state has been escalating its attacks against civilian settlements in South Kurdistan, especially since April 2022. While the increasingly ongoing attacks have killed many civilians, dozens of villages have been evacuated.

According to the Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Iraq, 11 people were killed as the result of Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan in 2023.

According to the CPT, 5 citizens lost their lives and 3 citizens were injured in Duhok in 2023, while in Hewlêr, 1 citizen lost his life and 8 citizens were injured. In the city of Sulaymaniyah, 5 citizens lost their lives and 2 citizens were injured.