Turkish attack kills a civilian in South Kurdistan

The Turkish state killed a civilian named Alî Cemîl Kelaş and wounded another in an attack on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Warplanes of the occupying Turkish state bombarded Bamernê neighbourhood of Duhok in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) on Tuesday. As a result of the bombardment, a civilian named Alî Cemîl Kelaş, from the Batufa neighbourhood of Dohuk, was killed and another person was wounded.

The occupying Turkish state continues to commit war crimes by attacking the Medya Defence Zones with banned explosives, chemical gas and drones loaded with explosives, causing great damage to civilians and residential areas.

In its statement on 2 December, the HPG Press Liaison Centre stated that the villages and guerrilla areas in the Medya Defence Zones were bombed 39 times by the occupying Turkish army on 30 November and 1 December, and that the vineyards, gardens and residential areas of the people of the region were damaged in these bombardments.