Turkish state bombs KDP points in Sergelê

The Turkish state bombed the points belonging to KDP forces in Sergelê. Reports spoke of some peshmerga injured. After the bombing, the village of Mezi was evacuated.

The Turkish state has intensified its invasion attack against South Kurdistan. The Turkish army, which bombards the region, continues its policy of annexation and depopulation.

The Turkish state bombed Peshmerga points in Sergelê, located near Mount Metîna in Duhok. It was stated that some Peshmerga soldiers were injured as a result of the bombardment.

Another village was evacuated in Amediyê

On the other hand, it was learned that Turkey carried out bombardment on residential areas in the village of Mezi in the Amêdiyê district. After the bombing, the village was evacuated.

Intensive bombarding of Bahar Hill

The Turkish army, which has been trying to settle on Bahar Hill since 3 July, has increased its attacks in this region, and bombed the village of Bêsimte in Garê.