Two wounded as Turkey bombs civilian settlements in Bradost

Amidst ongoing heavy military deployment and escalated attacks, the occupying Turkish state forces bombed civilian residential areas in Bradost, leaving two civilians wounded.

According to RojNews, the Turkish state shelled Lolan plateaus and Shekiwyan Mountain in Bradost area in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) on Friday. Two villagers were wounded as a result of the attack.

As the attack continues, medical teams cannot reach the wounded.

Reports from the ground say that the Turkish state also bombarded villages in the Duhok countryside. Due to the ongoing attacks, details about possible casualties or material damage were not immediately available.

At least 162 villages evacuated, over 600 others under threat

Having escalated its attacks in South Kurdistan in recent months, the Turkish state has been intensively deploying troops and armoured vehicles and even going further and setting up checkpoints. The Turkish state especially relies on the co-operation of the ruling KDP in its invasion attacks.

The Community Peacemakers Teams (CPT), a non-governmental organisation registered in the United States but based in South Kurdistan, reported that at least 162 villages have been evacuated and more than 600 are under threat of evacuation due to attacks by the occupying Turkish state. According to the CPT, the Turkish state has burnt at least 20 thousand acres of land since the beginning of the year.

According to local sources, the Turkish state has deployed its occupation forces within 50 kilometres of South Kurdistan.