Villagers terrorized during military operations in Yüksekova and Hizan

Local people are terrorized as the Turkish army is conducting military operations in the districts of Yüksekova and Hizan in northern Kurdistan.

The Turkish army launched a military operation in a rural area in Yüksekova (Gever) district of Hakkari province on July 24, Monday. The villages of Tiloran'a Jêr, Tiloran'a Jor, Pagê, Mitirban, Meşkan, Mûşan, Kendalok and Wargenima are located in the area of the operation, for which hundreds of soldiers were deployed to the surrounding high mountain pastures of Tajdîn, Sipêrêz, Omerê Dağı, Pagê and Topizava in armoured cars and helicopters.

On Monday evening, massive sounds of fighting could be heard, especially from Sipêrêz. According to information from the region, many so-called village guards were also brought into the area.

People from the village of Tiloran were stopped by military personnel when they wanted to milk their sheep on the pasture. The soldiers said that access to the grazing areas is prohibited until further notice. One shepherd was forcibly taken to the operation area due to an alleged criminal record. Another herder, Şiyar Demir, is reported to be stuck in the operation area and cannot be reached. Concerned villagers were prevented by military personnel from searching for the herdsmen in the mountain pasture. According to reports, the shepherds have been mistreated by soldiers. In addition, hundreds of sheep have escaped and cannot be rounded up again.

Another Turkish military operation is taking place in the Hizan district in the province of Bitlis. The villages of Xûlepûr and Kekulan were declared a special security zone on 14 July for an initial period of two weeks. Since then, the area has been constantly bombed by attack helicopters and fires have broken out in some places. Cultivated fields have been damaged by the Turkish troops and surveillance cameras and photo traps have been installed everywhere in the region. Today, there are also reports of heavy helicopter bombardments in the vicinity of populated areas. Residents say that they are under continuous fire and that the operation is now focused on the village of Best.