"100 Thousand Cards to Imrali" campaign kicks off in Berlin

Kurds came together within the scope of the "100 Thousand Cards to Imrali" campaign in Berlin.

The "100 Thousand Cards to Imralı" campaign was launched in Berlin on Friday. The action is part of the international campaign "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Solution to the Kurdish Question".

The Dest-Dan Women's Assembly and Nav Berlin (Assembly of Free Kurdistans), called on activists to join them and write cards. Activists then sent the cards by post to Imrali prison, where Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan is held in a regime of total isolation.

Nav-Berlin co-chair Hüseyin Yılmaz said: "We started the "100 Thousand Cards to Imralı" campaign to demand the physical freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Unless Leader Öcalan is liberated, neither society nor our lands will be liberated. Therefore, everyone needs to participate in this move and campaign."

Mesopotamia Mosque Imam Mele Hasan Özkan reiterated that they cannot talk about freedom until the isolation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan is lifted, and his physical freedom is ensured, and said that there should be strong participation in the initiative.

Mele Davut Övseme said: “The freedom of our Leader means freedom of beliefs. The freedom of our Leader is the freedom of the Middle East. For this reason, everyone who wants freedom and the liberation of the Middle East should join this initiative. That's why we say long live Leader Apo, long live the Kurdish people."