115 people send letter to Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe

115 people in Germany wrote to President Xavier Bettel asking him to "take concrete legal, diplomatic and political steps for the release of Mr. Öcalan for a peaceful political solution to the Kurdish issue is now the duty of the Committee of Ministers."

As the anniversary of the 15 February International Conspiracy approaches, the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Political Solution to the Kurdish Question" initiative continues its activities. 115 individuals consisting of academics, writers, artists and lawyers living in Germany wrote a letter to the President of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (ECEC), Xavier Bettel.

Bettel was reminded of the ECHR and the Committee of Ministers decisions regarding the implementation of the right to hope. The open letter emphasized that Öcalan’s physical freedom must be ensured in order for him to play a key role in the search for a solution to the Kurdish question. The letter urged Bettel to "take concrete legal, diplomatic and political steps for the release of Mr. Öcalan, as this is now the duty of the Committee of Ministers."

The following people signed the letter:

1. Spokesperson of the Eelam Tamil People's Council in Germany Agilan Waradarajah

2.April Prof. Dr. Alex Demirovic, political scientist

3. Alexander Glasner-Hummel, author, co-spokesperson of the Human Rights Council of the Kurdish Center in Germany

4. Andreas Buderus, mediator, freelance writer, IWW, ver.di, RHD

5. Andrej Hunko, Member of the German Bundestag, Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), Chair of the UEL Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

6. Anja Flach, ethnologist, author

7. Anna Magdalena Busl, lawyer and criminal defense attorney

8. Prof. Dr. Aram Ziai, political scientist, University of Kassel

9. Dr. Benjamin Schuetze, political scientist, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (ABI)

10. Bernd Hahnfeld, retired judge

11. Bernhard Trautvetter, peace activist, Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime 

12. Cansu Özdemir, co-chair of the Left in the Hamburg Bundestag

13. Prof. Dr. Cengiz Barskanmaz, Prof. of Law and Social Work at the Fulda Univ.

14. Christa Blum, doctor

15. Prof. Dr. Christine Graebsch, Prof. at Dortmund University 

16. Christoph Habermann, former state secretary

17. Christoph Klug, Dipl.-Psychologist

18. Clara Bünger, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Legal Affairs Commission

19. Dr. Daniel Loick, Associate Professor of Political and Social Philosophy, University of Amsterdam

20. Dr. Dario Azzellini, political scientist and sociologist, Cornell University

21. Dr. Dastan Jasim, political scientist

22. Dersim Dağdeviren, EUTCC Board Member, KURD-AKAD,

23. Dieter Kaltenhäuser, Alliance for Justice between Israelis and Palestinians

24. Elisabeth Kaltenhäuser, Alliance for Justice between Israelis and Palestinians

25. Erik Hagedorn, activist and political scientist

26. Erkan Pehlivan, journalist

27. Ernst-Ludwig Iskenius, doctor, IPPNW

28. Esther Winkelmann, antiquarian bookseller, political activist

29. Eva von Redecker, philosopher

30. Ferat Koçak Member of the Berlin House of Representatives – MdA

31. Frank Jasenski, lawyer

32. Frank Laubenburg, Federal Spokesperson Die Linke homosexual

33. Franz Hamburger, Prof. Dr., University of Mainz

34. Prof. Dr. Frieder Otto Wolf, Institute of Philosophy, Free University of Berlin

35. Friedrich Roeingh, journalist

36. Friedrich Vetter, retired pastor, member of the Challenge Commission in the RLP

37. Prof. Dr. Frigga Haug, Honorary President of Inkrit (Institute for Critical Theory)

38. Prof. Dr. Georg Auernheimer, University Professor emeritus

39. Gerd Pütz, organizational consultant, Association for Knowledge Cultures e.V.

40. Gerhard Keller, Truth Fighters Board e.V.

41. Gerhard Strauch, lawyer, Democratic Lawyers' Association of Germany (VDJ)

42. Gisela Penteker, doctor, rep. in Turkey of the German section of the IPPNW

43. Gisela Rhein, activist, Families for Peace

44. Prof. Dr. Gregor Büchel, Professor i.R.

45. Hartmut Löschcke, bookseller

46. Heike Hansen, City Councilor Left List Oberhausen

47. Heinz Jürgen Schneider, former lawyer and author

48. Heinz Schmitt, lawyer

49. Prof. Dr. Helga Baumgarten, political scientist, Bir Zait University, Palestine

50. Helmuth Markov, former MP/Minister of State

51. Holdger Platta, author and journalist, "Human World Initiative e.V." member

52. Hüseyin Kenan Aydın, former member of the Bundestag

53. Iñigo Schmitt-Reinholtz, lawyer, Nuremberg

54. Jens Carstensen, Oberhausen Peace Policy Forum

55. Joachim Schaller, lawyer

56. Jonna Sophie Kühl, Linksjugend

57. Johannes Krug, pastor, Evangelical Church

58. Jörg Heuer, intermedia artist

59. Jürgen Klute, former MEP and chair of the Kurdish Friendship Group in the EP

60. Jürgen Repschläger, member of the Left Party in Bonn City Council

61. Prof. Dr. Karin Kulow, Middle East expert

62. Kerem Schamberger, communication scientist and author

63. Konstantin Wecker, songwriter, composer and author

64. Kurt Bovensiepen, educator

65. Lena Wiese, social scientist

66. Lothar Zechlin, Prof. Dr., University of Duisburg-Essen

67. Lukas Theune, lawyer, executive director of the Republican Lawyers' Association 

68. Marcel Bister, spokesperson city ass. Die Linke Moers & Neukirchen-Vluyn

69. Marion Böker, director of the Human Rights and Gender Issues Consultancy

70. Marit Vahjen, Human Rights Group Turkey, IPPNW

71. Markus Lautenschlager, priest, Evangelical Church of Württemberg

72. Martin Dolzer, author and politician

73. Doctor. Matin Baraki, political scientist

74. Doctor. Maurice Stierl, scientist

75. Dr. Max Oliver Schmidt, sociologist, University of Potsdam

76. Prof. Dr. Michael Brie, social philosopher

77. Dr. Michael Wilk, emergency room physician, psychotherapist, author

78. Prof. Dr. Mohssen Massarrat, political scientist and member of IPPNW

79. Monty Schädel, former co-spokesperson of the German Peace Association

80. Nicole Gohlke, Member of the German Bundestag Spokesperson for the Left

81. Norbert Müller, member of the board of directors of the 'Linke Liste' faction 

82. Prof. Dr. Norman Paech, lawyer 

83. Özlem Alev Demirel, Member of the European Parliament

84. Prof. R. Peter Brandt, historian and publisher

85. Prof. Peter Herrman, Researcher at the Human Rights Center, Changsha

86. Prof. Peter Ott, film producer and professor at the Merz Academy in Stuttgart

87. Peter Vonnahme i. R., Judge of the Bavarian Administrative Court

88. Dr. Rainer Werning, political scientist and publicist

89. René Bahns, lawyer

90. Dr. Robert Krieg, film producer 

91. Roland Meister, lawyer

92. Dr. Rolf Gössner, lawyer, publisher, parliamentary advisor and civil rights activist with the International Union for Human Rights

93. Rudolf Bürgel, Left Baden-Württemberg

94. Prof. Dr. Rudolph Bauer, political scientist

95. Sabine Kebir, private lecturer, political and cultural scientist

96. Sabine Skubsch, Left Baden-Württemberg

97. Sarah Reinke, Director General of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP)

98. Şeyda Kurt, author

99. Prof. Susanne Brandtstädter, University of Cologne

100. Susanne Köhler, Truth Fighters e.V. Board

101. Dr. Susanne Schultz, sociologist, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main

102. Dr. Theo Aalders, postdoctoral researcher, University of Bonn

103. Thomas Kilpper, artist, Berlin, former Professor, University of Bergen, Norway

104. Thorsten Müller, lawyer

105. Tim Engels, lawyer

106. Torsten Bewernitz, Darmstadt University, editor of the magazine "express"

107. Prof. Dr. Udo Mayer, Emeritus Professor at the University of Hamburg

108. Prof. Dr. Medicine. Ulrich Gottstein, IPPNW

109. Ute Wellstein, occupational physician, IPPNW

110. Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf, peace and conflict researcher

111. Ph.D. Justice. Wolfgang Bittner, author and promoter

112. Wolfgang Klinger, Left List Moers, City Councilor

113. Wolfgang Marx, doctor

114. Yener Sözen, lawyer

115. Yusuf Karaçelik, Group Leader of the Left Party in the Oberhausen City Council