19 people arrested in Istanbul

19 people arrested in Istanbul

37 people who had been taken into custody following a police operation in Gülsuyu, Sancaktepe and Gazi neighborhoods, in Istanbul, on 7 October have been referred to court on Thursday. The operation against nearly 60 addresses in three neighborhoods had targeted the members of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), People's Front organization and readers of the Partizan magazine.

The court released ESP Maltepe district organization chair Zelal Armutlu and Ünal Canik and ruled the arrest of eight members of the ESP.

On the other hand, 15 members of the People's Front organization were also referred to court. Four were released and 11 others were remanded in custody after bearing testimony to public prosecutor.

The court has also released nine people, readers of the Partizan magazine, after their referral to court on Thursday.