3 youths taken into custody in Ergani

3 youths taken into custody in Ergani

After it was claimed that the Turkish army has been sending weapons to the ISIS gangs from the army's second biggest munitions depot in the Ergani district of Amed, a march was organised towards the depot. The marchers faced the intervention of the police and many youths were taken into custody. 3 of those taken into custody were formally arrested.

25 protestors out of the 28 who were taken into custody were released after their investigations were completed in the police department. 3 youths, Ahmet Ecer, Melih Özkan and Heci Zeytun, who were taken to court, were remanded in custody by the criminal court of peace of Ergani on a charge of providing explosive material to an organisation and for being members of an organisation.

The arrested youths were sent to the D type prison in Amed.