5 more villages cleansed of ISIS in Raqqa
Operation Wrath of Euphrates fighters have liberated 5 more villages as part of the military campaign to liberate the city of Raqqa from ISIS occupation.
Operation Wrath of Euphrates fighters have liberated 5 more villages as part of the military campaign to liberate the city of Raqqa from ISIS occupation.
As the second stage in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates continues at full force in its 8th day, fighters have liberated the villages of Borsincar Şemali, Borsincar Cenubî, Sehba, Ebu Galat and Hacî Sileman from ISIS occupation today.
Fighters continue their mop-up operations in the liberated villages.
The number of villages liberated as part of the military campaign to liberate Raqqa has thus risen to 6.