50 Kurdish parties and organizations stand with Shengal and Yazidi people

50 Kurdish parties and organizations in Europe issued a statement to condemn the threats against Shengal and said, "The Turkish state seeks to invade all of Kurdistan through the invasion of Shengal. We salute the honorable resistance of the Yazidis."

While the attacks and threats against Shengal continue, the people resolutely reject the agreement between Baghdad and Hewler which targets them.

The statement by 50 Kurdish parties and organizations in Europe said the following:

"The attacks on the YJŞ-YBŞ and the Êzidxan Asayish are also an attack on all Kurds. The agreement between the KDP and the Iraqi government is a new massacre plan and an attack on the achievements of the Yazidis and has been met with strong rejection by all the Kurds. With the agreement, Erdoğan's new Ottoman policy is being implemented while the attacks on Shengal, Rojava and South Kurdistan are carried out for a purpose. The Turkish state seeks to invade all of Kurdistan through the invasion of Shengal.

We salute the historic and honorable resistance of the Yazidis and call on all Kurds to claim the Yazidi community. We support the dignity of the Yazidis with all our might. Our agenda should only be Shengal until the Yazidi community returns to free and normal conditions. We reiterate that they must give up their sinister policy on Shengal."


The Kurdish parties, organizations and organizations in Europe, which signed the statement, are as follows:

PUK (Yektiya Niştimanî Kurdistan)

Tevgera GORRAN

KCDK-E (Kongra Civaka Kurdistaniyan-Ewrupa)

TJK-E (Tevgera Jinên Kurdistanê-Ewrupa)

Partiya ŞÛÎ Kurdistan Basur

Kongra Star (Rêxistna Jin li Rojava, Bakur-Rojhilatê Sûryê)

Partiya Zahmetkêşan – Başûr

PADÊ (Partiya Azadî û Demokrasiya Êzîdiya)

Tevgera Azadî

PYD (Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat)

P.D.K.S  (Partiya demoqrat a kurdî ya sûrî )

Partiya Çep a Kurd li Sûrî

Tevgera Nûjen ya Kurdistanî-Sûrya

PÇDKS ( Partiya çep a Demoqrat a Kurd li Sûriyê)

Partiya Demokrata Kurd li Sûriya( El Partî)

Partiya Çep a Demokrat li  Sûriya

Partiya Rêkeftin a Kurd li Sûrya

Partiya Çaksaziya Kurd li Sûriya

Partiya Kesk a Kurdistanî li Sûriya

Partiya Demokrata Kurdistanî li Sûrya

Partiya Komanist a Kurdistanî li Sûriya

PÎK (Partiya islamiya Kurdistan)

KKP ( Partiya Kominista Kurdistan)

Tevgera Kawa

PJAK(Partiya Jiyana Azada Kurdistan)

Yakyatî Şorşgêrî Kurdistan

KODAR  (Civaka Demokratîk û Azada Rojhelatĕ Kurdistan)

KJAR (Civaka Jinên Rojhelatî Kurdistan)

Platforma Horam

Plattform Zagros

Plattform Yarsan

Yarî Kurd

Partiya Dimokrati Pêşvero kurdi Li Surîya

Tevçand (Tevgera Çand û Hunera Kurd)

Kurdische Gemeinde Stuttgart e.V

FEDA ( Federesyona Elewîyên Kurdistan)

NAV – YEK (Federasyona Komelên Êzidiya)

Kurdische Zentrum Berlin

CIK ( Civaka Islamiya Kurdistan)

Enstituta Kurdî – Almanaya

Enstituta Kurdî – Bruksel

MŞD ( Meclîsa Şingal a Derveyî Welat)

YMK ( Yekîtîya Mamostayên Kurdistan)

YES (Yekitiya Êzdiyên Sûri)

Kurdisch Gemeinde Brandenburg – Berlîn

Dachverband der Êzidischen Frauenräte

DKF (Deutsch-kurdisches Forum) e.V  Dresden

Kongreya Gel a Mezopotamyayê

Partiya Azadiyê ya Mezopotamyayê

Kurdistan human rights Association