52 Kurdish institutions announce action plan against the Treaty of Lausanne

52 Kurdish political parties and institutions announced their action plan against the Treaty of Lausanne.

The centenary of the Treaty of Lausanne, which turned Kurdistan into a colony of 4 different states, is approaching. The Kurdish Alliance Against the Treaty of Lausanne, which includes 52 political parties and institutions, announced its action plan in a press release in the Place de Riponne Square, where the treaty was signed 99 years ago.

In addition to Kurdish institutions, Swiss Federal parliamentarians will attend a press conference on the anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne negotiations on 20 November in front of the building where the negotiations took place.

Swiss Democratic Kurdish Council (CDK-S) Co-Chair İsmail Kardaş said that they would massively participate in the action against the Treaty of Lausanne, which determined the fate of the Kurds. “We have been working on this for days. Because of this treaty, the Kurds have been subjected to various atrocities for the last 100 years. We no longer accept this agreement,” he remarked.

The names below are expected to attend the event and deliver speeches:

Ahmet Karamus, KNK Co-Chair

Laurence Fehlmann Rielle, Member of the Federal Parliament of the Socialist Party

Zübeyir Aydar, KCK Executive Council Member

Soran Ahmad Ali, a PUK European Representative

Stéfanie Prezioso Batou, Member of the Federal Parliament

Goran Movement European Representative

Raphaël Mahaim, Member of the Federal Parliament for the Green Party

Yüksel Koç, KCDK-E Co-Chair

Mahmoud Daoud, Partiya Demoqrat a Kurdiya Sûrî.

Endame komîta Navendi.

Céline Misiego, MP for Lausanne Canton POP, Member of the Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne

TJK-E Representative

Abes Omare, PYD Representative

Ilias Panchard, city councillor in Lausanne for the Green party and member of the Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne

ESU (European Syriac Union)

Demir Çelik, Mesopotamian Faiths Platform

Sabri Eryiğit, European Representative of Partiya Islamiya Kurdistan

Dr. Med. Peppe Savary- Boriolo, head of PSR/IPPNW Switzerland, Spokesperson of the Swiss Freedom for Öcalan Initiative

Kemal Bilget, KKKP

Dr. Rizgar Tevgere Nujen.

The press conference will be broadcast live on social media platforms. It can be watched on the YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@civaksaz8366) and Swiss Civaka Azad’s Twitter page (@CivakaAzad_S).