A child allegedly abducted by special operation teams in Amed

It has been reported that special operation teams have abducted a child of 16-17 years old in Amed where attacks of counter forces have increased in the last days.

It has been reported that special operation teams have abducted a child of 16-17 years old in Amed where attacks of counter forces have increased in the last days.

Reports say that a child making a victory sign was abducted by police forces that have persistently avoided intervening armed groups involved in attacks on people in recent days.

According to the reports of eye witnesses, the child made victory sign on seeing a vehicle of special operation teams at Dicle Kent Boulevard in Kayapınar district of Amed. Stopping and getting off the vehicle which had a signal jammer on it, the operation teams assaulted the minor before forcing him into the vehicle and leaving the scene.

No information is yet available as to where the boy was taken to.