Academics protest Hamburg University's decision to prevent 'We want our world back" conference

Prominent academics protest Hamburg University's decision to prevent 'We want our world back" conference.

The 'We want our world back" conference will go on as scheduled despite Hamburg University's decision to deny the rooms for the 2-day international event.

Political theorist and professor emerita Silvia Federici, wrote: "People all across the world are struggling for the freedom and dignity of their communities and their territories. Given today’s urgent political, social, and ecological questions, the university should be the site where such people’s voices are heard in order for new visions to be forged. The Hamburg University administration’s decision to not only withdraw from hosting the Challenging Capitalist Modernity conference, but also doing so at the last minute is an alarming betrayal of this duty and responsibility."

Scottish writer James Kelman wrote: "This disgraceful action by the German authorities, and the cowardice of the University of Hamburg, bring shame and dishonour on the people of Germany. My sympathy is with them."

The conference will go on as scheduled

The organizers have confirmed that the conference will go ahead as scheduled.

They wrote the following statement to explain the change of venues and new times:

"Thursday 6 April, we will start our programme. From 12:00 it will be possible to come to the Kurdish Cultural Association (Schulterblatt 55, 20357 Hamburg) and register there. From 16:00 we will then move to our main event rooms in the Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg, where registration will continue. There you will get all the information you need for the following days.

Capitalist modernity and its source, patriarchy, have brought us not only to the brink of the destruction of human society as we know it but also of our world. However, it is not all hopeless, if we take a collective stance, we may come out of the chaos with a better civilization — democratic civilization — but only if we do something about it now. We do not need to search for another world elsewhere; we want our world back!

On Thursday evening we will start our programme at 19:00 in the Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg. If participants arrive in Hamburg later than 21:00, they can meet at the Kurdish cultural association.

On Friday, 7 April, we will continue with our programme at the same location.

On Saturday, 8 April, we will continue with an extended workshop phase all day. It will be possible to participate in not just one but several workshops. The locations where the different workshops will take place will be announced shortly.

Call for a collective stance to demand our world back!

On Sunday, 9 April, the programme will again take place in the Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg and will end as planned with a closing speech at 17:00."