Action in Bilbao condemns Turkish attacks on Kurdistan
Action in Bilbao to denonuce the Turkish attacks and launch a demonstration in support of the Kurdish people on Thursday 16 July.
Action in Bilbao to denonuce the Turkish attacks and launch a demonstration in support of the Kurdish people on Thursday 16 July.
An action to protest the Turkish attacks on Kurdistan has been organised in Bilbao (in the Basque Country) by the Solidarity with Kurdistan Platform, Kurdistanekin elkartasuna ekimena
Two huge banners have been put up by activists in the very central square of Unamuno and on the Arenal.
One of the banner read 'Stop Erdogan' and the other 'Stop the fascist Turkish State'.
The action was also to launch the demonstration to be held in Bilbao on Thursday 16 July at 7.30 pm at the Arriaga Square.
The organisers promoted the demonstration saying "We support the historic resistance of the Kurdish people, who in the middle of the chaos, has been able to build an alternative system to the capitalis and patriarchal reality. We denounce the complicity of the US, Russia and the EU with the fascist Turkish state in its new war against the peoples of Kurdistan."