Activists from Bonn Democratic Kurdish Community Center take over Freedom for Öcalan Vigil

Members of the Bonn Democratic Kurdish Community Center took over the Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Vigil. They called for support for the action, saying, "Kurdish youths should not stop fighting until our Leader is liberated."

The Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Vigil, which started in Strasbourg, on 25 June 2012, with the aim of ensuring the physical freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and ending the Imralı torture system, continues in its 625th week.

A new group of activists from Bonn, took over the vigil, which was carried out every week by Kurds living in Europe and their friends at the common point where European institutions meet.

The group consisting of members of the Bonn Democratic Kurdish Community Center includes Rojin Şimşek, Agit Wasfi, Pîran Efrîn and Cavid Rojhelat.

The action, which called on European institutions to fulfill their duties and exposed the Turkish state's crimes against humanity against the Kurdish people by the Kurdish People's Leader Öcalan, went down in history as the longest-running action carried out by the Kurdish people and their friends in Europe.

The new group, which continues the action that will mark its 12th anniversary on 25 June, said: "The freedom of our leader is the guarantee of our freedom. We call for both supporting the action and expanding the struggle. Kurdish youth should not stop fighting until our Leader is liberated."