Activists in Berlin protest Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan and Maxmur
The Turkish state's invasion of South Kurdistan and the attacks on Maxmur refugee camp were protested with a rally in Berlin.
The Turkish state's invasion of South Kurdistan and the attacks on Maxmur refugee camp were protested with a rally in Berlin.
Kurds and their friends gathered in Potsdamer Platz to join a rally organised by Nav Berlin and Dest Dan Women's Assembly to protest the invasion attacks of the Turkish state against South Kurdistan.
Speakers at the action reminded that “the Turkish army launched a comprehensive invasion of South Kurdistan. Thousands of soldiers are attacking the mountainous area, which has been controlled by the PKK guerrillas for decades, with warplanes and drones. Since then, fierce fighting has taken place every day and some 200 people have died. The Turkish state is also targeting villages, destroying cultivated fields and thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes.”
Speakers also underlined that “the Turkish state aimed at breaking the Kurdish resistance with these attacks which they launched on the eve of the 106th anniversary of the Armenian genocide.”