Activists in Bern and Stuttgart protest Turkey

Activists in Bern protested the Turkish state attacks against the regione of Zinî Wertê in South Kurdistan while in Stuttgart a banner was opened to expressed solidarity with political prisoners.

Activists organised two actions in Bern, Switzerland and Stuttgart, Germany in protest at the Turkish state's genocidal war against the Kurdish people.


Turkey's occupation attacks were protested in the city of Bern. Activists condemned the cooperation of the KDP with the Turkish state in both the attacks on Maxmur Refugee Camp and the region of Zinî Wertê.

Revolutionäre Jugend Gruppe Bern (Revolutionary Youth Group) and Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (Revolutionary Youth Movement-TCŞ) activists led the action carrying posters in which it was written in German, "Let's defend the free mountains of Kurdistan" and "Let's stand against the Turkish occupation in South Kurdistan". Activists also displayed photos of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan.


Activists in Stuttgart organised an action in solidarity with political prisoners detained because of their ideas and excluded by the Law of Execution recently approved by Parliament. They unfurled a banner on a Lurdwigsburg-Stuttgart bridge saying "Freedom for all political prisoners".