AKP fascism protested in Gothenburg

Hundreds joined a demonstration in protest at the AKP fascism and in solidarity with the HDP in the Swedish city of Gothenburg yesterday.

Hundreds joined a demonstration in protest at the AKP fascism and in solidarity with the HDP in the Swedish city of Gothenburg yesterday.

Representatives of non-governmental organizations joining the demo condemned the AKP government and Erdoğan's coup against the people's will, arrest of HDP MPs and mayors, genocidal attacks and the law draft legalizing the rape of children.

Demonstrators vowed to continue their solidarity with the HDP and the Kurdish people, and called on the Swedish government and the European Union to adopt a more determined attitude against the Turkish government and to impose sanctions on Turkey.

The protest demonstration organised by Gothenborg Democratic Kurdish Society Center was also supported by Alevis and revolutionary groups from Turkey and Sweden.