AKP Police putting Taksim Square under siege
The AKP regime has already begun to militarise Taksim Square in Istanbul in order to prevent any celebration there on Workers’ Day.
The AKP regime has already begun to militarise Taksim Square in Istanbul in order to prevent any celebration there on Workers’ Day.
The Workers’ Day Organizing Committee had asked permission to the authorities to celebrate 1 May in Taksim Square. The application was rejected by the Istanbul Governor.
The Committee, made up of the Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions (DISK), the Confederation of Public Labor Unions (KESK), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) and the Turkish Medical Association (TTB).
After the rejection of their application, the unions decided to celebrate Workers’ Day in Bakırköy Market Area.
Yet police has already begun to siege Taksim Square by putting up barriers to close many roads to traffic.