AKP’s election campaign runs with bribery and fake voters
The AKP that distributes bribery in the name of ‘aid’ before any election, now intends the same trick. Moreover, the AKP this time has planned fake and illegal voters.
The AKP that distributes bribery in the name of ‘aid’ before any election, now intends the same trick. Moreover, the AKP this time has planned fake and illegal voters.
As the local elections in Turkey are nearing, the AKP has started to look for new tricks in Kurdish region where it has no chance for winning. It was already revealed earlier that the AKP had registered fake voters from Erzurum, Trabzon and Giresun provinces in İpekyolu, Edremit and Tuşba districts of Van province. And now the AKP has moved the registry of 2500 voters from Van to its Çatak district which has a high rate of votes for the HDP.
Furthermore, the AKP has registered 70 fake voters in the name of villagers in Dalli hamlet in Van’s Başkale district.
Not contenting itself with registering illegal voters, the AKP is now implementing new tricks. As it has always been the case, the AKP has started to distribute so called ‘aid packages’ to the people. It came out that AKP has ‘aid warehouses’ in the depot of the Park and Gardens Directorate of Van Metropolitan Municipality which was usurped by the government and handed over to a trustee appointed by the AKP.
With the authority of being the ruling party, the AKP, which engages in bribery in each election campaign, also pressures the public servants. Amid growing pressure, public servants fear that they will be fired from their positions if they do not vote for the AKP.
Turkish post office PTT is in particular used by the AKP in its election campaign. The PTT office in Van has distributed 15.000 TL of bribery in the name of ‘aid for families’ during the past 15 days. The AKP members later reduced the amount to 8.000 Turkish lira.