All set in Bolivia for swear-in ceremony of new President Arce

The swear-in of new Bolivian president, Luis Arce, will take place today with a centuries-old traditional indigenous ceremony. Former president Evo Morales will return to Bolivia tomorrow.

Today is the day of the swear-in ceremony of newly elected Bolivian President, Luis Arce. 

The general elections held in Bolivia last 18 October were won by the Movement to Socialism (MAS). Luis Arce was elected President and David Choquehuanca deputy president.

In November 2019 the MAS president, Evo Morales, was overthrown in a police-military coup that installed the rightwing evangelical Jeanine Áñez as president.

Security forces massacred dozens of unarmed Mas supporters. Regime opponents faced charges of “terrorism” and “sedition”. Racism against the indigenous majority became overt on the streets; Áñez’s caretaker cabinet originally included not one indigenous minister.

Morales and half of his government ministers were forced to leave the country, but tomorrow he will return to Bolivia.

Half of the seats in new Parliament occupied by women

On 18 October, the MAS achieved a majority in the Senate with 21 seats, 10 of which are occupied by women. 

The Citizens' Community won 11 seats, seven of them for women, while We Believe won four, two of them for women.

As for the Chamber of Representatives, 48.33 percent of the plurinominals are men, while 51.6 percent of the seats will be held by women. Women's hegemony returns in the uninominals with 57.14 percent of the seats.