Amed Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Dr. Adnan Selçuk Mızraklı sent a note from Bünyan Prison to mark the anniversary of the 19 August Trustee Coup.
Amed Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Dr. Adnan Selçuk Mızraklı said in his note: "We will not give up even if you appoint colonial governors: those who resist will always have the last word," Mızraklı said, adding: "The government first applied the unlimited power it gained from the state of emergency by appointing trustees in the cities of the Kurdish territory using as an excuse 15 July [coup]".
Drawing attention to corruption, language, culture, history and attacks on women as a result of the trustee appointment, Mızraklı said: "The trustees mean the destruction of social gains and the implementation of genocide against a people once again. Therefore, women's gains were attacked first in the municipalities ruled by the colonial governors. Yes, the safes were emptied, but the attacks on the history, culture and language of the peoples were also heavy. All institutions and units related to those were closed. Thousands of people were deprived of their jobs and millions of liras of debt were left.”
Mızraklı continued: “Colonial governors were appointed and the administrators chosen by the people were arrested and sentenced to hundreds of years: But we will not give up our struggle. We will always keep our faith in the democratic struggle. We will democratize the republic through democratic struggle. Human history has always shown that those who resist always will have the last word. Our last word is that, despite this genocide and massacre practices, this people will not kneel against you and will destroy the reign of these tyrants with their resistance."