Amusement and kids park reopen in Raqqa
Children are the most affected by war and violence
Children are the most affected by war and violence
It may seems like a little news, yet for those who have witnessed and experienced on their bodies and lives the violence of DAESH is an important small sign that they are finally returning to life.
Children are those who most suffer in a war, the most affected section of the population, because the images and memories of a war, death and destruction, will never be deleted and - which is the difference with adults - will stay with them literally for their entire life.
So when on Friday, to mark and celebrate the end of Ramadan, Raqqa Civil Council decided to reopen the amusement park and children facilities which had been destroyed by the mercenaries of DAESH, a big little thing actually happened. Another step to the difficult return to life.
Raqqa was liberated last year by the Syrian Democractic Forces (SDF) that dealt a hevay blow to the DAESH mercenaries who had made of Raqqa their 'capital', subjecting the local population to a life of violence which still need to be fully told. Of course children's parks were destroyed and forbidden like any kind of amusement.
The Raqqa Civil Coucil put the reparation of the amusement park in their 'to do' list and on Friday kids could enjoy of the park and its facilities. It was the first time in four years that actually people could celebrate the end of Ramadan in peace.