Anti-fascist march in Düsseldorf

The Turkish fascist group holding a march in support of the state’s attacks on the Kurdish people and the policies of massacre was protested by Kurdistani people and their friends.

Turkish fascist group held a march in Germany’s Düsseldorf in support of the state’s attacks on the Kurdish people and the policies of massacre and were protested by the Kurdistani people and their friends.

Bündnis “Düsseldorf stellt sich quer” DSSQ and the Democratic Joint Forces Platform organised the counter-march against the Turkish racists and the march was attended by NAV-DEM, ANTIFA Düss. AGIF, YXK, Akkustan, ATIF, Ceni-Frauenbüro, DGB -Düsseldorf/Bergischesland, YJK-E (Frauen aus Kurdistan - Women From Kurdistan), Die LINKE, DKP, FIDEF, GEW-Düs, Teachers Union, Green Party Interventıonistische Linke (i furiosi, see red), Piraten-Partei, Mor İsyan, SDAJ-Düs, YDG, VVN-BdA (Bund der Antifaschisten-Düs.).

The crowd gathered in front of the Düsseldorf central train station at 13.00 and started their march. Anthems and songs of resistance were sung throughout the march and people chanted “Bijî Berxwedana YPS”, “Murderer Erdoğan”, “Killer Turkey”, “Jin Jiyan Azadî”, “Bijî Berxwedana Nisêbîn”, “Bijî Berxwedana Surê”, ““Bijî Berxwedana Cizîrê”, “Bijî Serok Apo”, “Bijî PKK”, “Bê Serok Jiyan Nabe”.

Afther the march the crowd arrived in the rally grounds. The speeches there mentioned that May 8 was the date that fascism was defeated in Germany and stated that it was a scandal that the fascist march was held on that day. Calls to protest the Turkish state’s policies of massacre and attacks on Northern Kurdistan and to embrace the legitimate resistance of the Kurdish people against these policies.

The rally ended after the speeches.
