Asrın Law Office turns to the UN, calling for ‘urgent action’ against İmralı isolation

Lawyers of Asrın Law Office made an ‘urgent action’ application to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture against the absolute isolation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan.

According to the Mesopotamia News Agency, lawyers from Asrin Law Office applied to the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on 17 May, calling for ‘urgent action’ for their client Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in absolute isolation in İmralı F Type High Security Prison for 39 months, and his fellow prisoners, Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş. The application was also submitted to the Special Rapporteur's office, which deals with the ability of lawyers to carry out their duties.

In their application, the lawyers presented the conditions of their clients' detention in İmralı and the issues regarding the prevention of the legal profession to the rapporteurs in a comprehensive manner within the framework of UN documents, and drew attention to the importance of the urgent consideration of the application in order to eliminate irreparable damages in İmralı. The lawyers referred to the UN Human Rights Committee's request for an injunction dated 6 September 2023 and stated that the said committee's decision supports this situation. The lawyers also underlined that Turkey has still not fulfilled the requirements of the decision.

In the application, the lawyers also stated that violations such as the prevention of lawyer visits, the execution of prohibitions and disciplinary decisions without the participation of lawyers, the denial of file samples to lawyers, etc. fall within the scope of work of the special rapporteurs on the independence of lawyers, and noted that the joint initiative to be carried out by the relevant rapporteurs’ offices to eliminate these violations of rights is of result-oriented importance.

The lawyers made the following requests to the relevant special rapporteurs’ offices of the UN:

 * That this application be considered as soon as possible due to its urgent nature,

* That the incommunicado detention of the applicants be ended and their requests for immediate access to their families and lawyers be communicated to the government,

* That İmralı Prison be visited, the conditions of detention be examined on site and face-to-face interviews be held with the applicants,

* That the treatment of the applicants be reported,

* That İmralı prison and the conditions to which the applicants are subjected be monitored and followed up,

* That a press statement be made in line with the data obtained.