At least 129 workers die in workplace homicides in April

At least 129 workers died in workplace homicides in April, according to the report released by the Health and Safety Labor Watch (İSİG).

At least 129 workers died in occupational homicides in April, according to the report released by the Health and Safety Labor Watch (İSİG).

The number of workers killed in the first months of the year reached 479, with 120 workers killed in January, 109 in February and 121 in March.

Among the killed workers, 428 were wageworkers (workers and civil servants) and 51 were working on their own behalf.

Only 17 (3.54 percent) of the killed workers were union workers. They worked in the sectors of metal, chemistry, mining, municipality, transportation and healthcare.

The highest number of deaths were in İstanbul with 83, Kocaeli  with 23, Izmir with 20 and Bursa and Muğla with 17.