Attack on district governor's office in Amed

Attack on district governor's office in Amed

An improvised explosive device was thrown at a district governor's office and a branch office of the AKP government in Amed the day before yesterday. Police patrolling the area thought that the attack was against them and opened fire at random.

The incident occurred in the Sur district of Amed on Sunday evening. Unidentified person or persons attacked a building containing the AKP branch and the governor's office by throwing improvised explosive devices and a molotov cocktail.

The explosive materials hit the door of the building and the guardroom at the entrance of the building. The windows of the building were broken in the explosion. Many police teams and armoured vehicles were sent to thearea. The police blocking the street to the traffic, made an investigation at the scene.

Meanwhile, a group of police belonging to the public security branch office of the police department were passing the street in a vehicle. They got into a panic with the noise of the explosion. The police 150 metres away from the explosion area thought that an attack was being carried out against them and opened fire towards the area where the explosion occurred. Eye-witnesses said that the police got into a panic, firing a whole clip of ammunition. Fortunately the bullets did not hit anyone in the area.