Aydar: Lice attack will have an influence on the peace process

Aydar: Lice attack will have an influence on the peace process

Speaking to ANF during the Peace and Democracy Congress in Europe, which has opened in Brussels today, KCK (Kurdish Communities Union) Executive Council member Zübeyir Aydar pointed out that the Turkish government didn't abide by the agreements reached in the ongoing process in search of a democratic and peaceful solution to the Kurdish question. Aydar said this would have an effect on the resolution process.

Referring the Lice attack in which one person was killed and ten others wounded by soldiers during a demo against the construction of military posts, Aydar said that "Lice attack is a thought provoking incident as a peaceful demo was suppressed with arms, soldiers opening fire on people and knowingly aiming the gun at protestors. Such an incident in such a process needs to be made out well by everyone including us".

Aydar said the government was responsible for the bloody attack and that it had no chance to break away from it. "This is an outcome of the attitude Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan displayed during the meeting with Wise People. This is how we see it", he said.

Addresing to the government, Aydar asked what the enhancement of the construction of military posts within the current process meant, adding; "Our movement has released a number of statements which underlined that the ongoing activity of village guards and the military, as well as the construction of new posts and reconnaissance flights do not comply with the spirit of the ongoing process. This is why people are protesting and why our movement has voiced reactions".

Aydar pointed out that "The Lice attack and the casualties it has caused are unacceptable to us. Our movement will enhance its struggle and display its attitude in all areas in response to this attack.

KCK Executive Council member remarked that the government should have made a parliamentary decision by now in the scope of the ongoing process which -he said- began with the call Öcalan made in Amed on 21 March and the became concrete with the beginning of the Kurdish guerrillas' withdrawal on 8 May.

"It should have presented a road map for the solution of the Kurdish question by now and this road map should have preannounced a calendar for the removal of the obstacles to the freedom of thought, of the anti-terror law and of the election threshold as well as amendments in the law on political parties and in the Turkish penal code", Aydar said and noted that it should have also made things clear by now concerning the constitutional amendments in relation with the solution of the Kurdish problem, mother-tongue education and the Kurdish people's demand for political status.

Aydar said nor will they accept the attitude of Prime Minister who said during the meeting with Wise People commission on 26 June that the10 percent election threshold will not be removed, that the government had no constitutional projects on the mother tongue issue nor a reform package concerning the resolution process. "The government needs to take a step concerning these points, otherwise we will give the necessary answer to it", he added.

Criticizing theAKP government's point of view towards the ongoing process, Aydar said the Kurdish movement cannot accept deceit or delaying tactics.

Aydar pointed out that the public trust in the solution process has lowered and indicated the Lice protest as an evidence of this truth. "People feel uncomfortable about the progress of the process, they take to the streets to protest the government's attitude, so is our movement which keeps making statements for the ending of the process in success, and the BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) which is organizing demos calling on the government to take steps. The rest of the society in Turkey also has concerns over the government's practices, this is why so many people are gathering at Taksim Square. Taking all these into consideration, we see that it is the AKP govenment of the Turkish Republic that is responsible for all the problems present in the country".

Aydar warned that the pece process will also be effected by Lice attack and the government, should it fail to take a concrete step in the soonest time. "If the government had abided by the agreements reached in the peace process, half of the process would have been completed by now, he said, noting that according to these agreements, the first and second stages of the process had been planned to be finalized by the autumn months. Reminding that the Turkish parliament will soon end its year, Aydar said "How can the Kurdish people, struggle and organization just sit and watch this?.

"In the scope of the agreement reached with the government, it was supposed to make a parliamentary decison soon after the Newroz on 21 March. Then it delayed this step, promising to take it while the second stage begins. The agreement also included the establishment of a truth commission and the release of political prisoners who have been jailed for years now, however the government has put none of these points into practice yet. The process can not make an advance with one-sided efforts and steps. We have done what we needed to but the process will make no headway unless the government practices what it needs to", he added.