KCK Executive Council Co-President Bayık stated that AKP manipulated feelings prevalent among the society and created the illusion that it was going to solve the Kurdish issue peacefully. Bayık highlighted the AKP provocations aiming to increase casualties during the election period and noted that they would not fall into such traps. Bayık also emphasized the importance of HDP’s entrance into the Turkish parliament as he spoke to Celal Başlangıç from T24 news website.
Bayık made the following statements with regards to the ‘peace process’:
"(...) Especially the pro-AKP and pro-Erdoğan media outlets claimed that the AKP attacks came as an election tactic and did not threaten the peace process. This is not true and they did not lie in order to get more votes. On the contrary, this is Erdoğan’s reality. This reality was not fully understood in previous elections and the AKP was able to deceive and stall Turkish society. This was crucial for AKP to buy time and carry out its own agenda. They exploited the anti-war sentiments of 65-70 percent of Turkish society. Erdoğan knows these sentiments very well as he is constantly informed by different polls on the issue such as the related Wise People’s Committee report. AKP presented itself so that people would have the perception of AKP as a party that would solve the Kurdish issue peacefully. Turkish society bought AKP promises to develop democracy in the country and many different groups such as liberals and conservatives supported the AKP, which would later become more and more authoritarian.
Both Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan and the PKK work relentlessly to expose the realities about Erdoğan and AKP, and we were quite patient in this process. We had to expose this deception, which became clear in Şengal and later in Kobanê. The political move Leader Apo made brought the peace process to the negotiation table. It was either the beginning of negotiations or the end of the process; there were options in between. When the Turkish government and the HDP committee agreed on the 10 principals and made the Dolmabahçe statement, it became clear that the Observers’ Committee would soon visit Leader Apo in Imralı island. Sufficient dialogue had been established in recent years and the next step was either negotiations or the true face of AKP. Since they do not aim to solve the Kurdish issue and democratize Turkey, they avoided the negotiations. Their deceptive face is now exposed and the support for Erdoğan and AKP began to decline. Despite the pro-AKP media’s deceptive claims on the continuation of the peace process, AKP ended the talks and began to organize provocations before the June 7 General Elections.
We are going through an intense election process because the system in Turkey came to a dead-end. AKP power is declining and this opens up gaps in politics that should be filled in immediately. If democracy forces fail to fill in this gap, a crucial opportunity will be missed. They should strengthen their platform and enter the parliament because this election is unlike any other. It is an election about Turkey’s regime and the main competitors are HDP and AKP. AKP targets HDP and aims to make sure that HDP stays below the election threshold. Unlike previous elections where AKP favored stability before elections, the party now seeks confrontation and conflict in order to strengthen chauvinistic sentiments in society. This would supposedly ensure an HDP failure and an AKP success in the elections. Democracy forces are aware of this trap and have successfully avoided it so far in order to ensure their electoral success.
We have received information months before the election suggesting that AKP would create tensions and develop a controlled version of violence through murders and bombings in order to win the elections. We publicized this information indirectly through the press and warned people in advance. As recent developments confirm, they organize bombings and use former JITEM and counter-guerilla groups for their provocations. They also meet with sergeants, governors and other political officials for this purpose. AKP openly threatens people by saying that they will not be tolerated if they vote for the HDP! They have organized military operations where Turkish warplanes, helicopters and tanks target our guerillas. Their endless provocations aim to pull us into a spiral of violence and later claim that they were not the ones to initiate this violence. They try to disguise their intentions by presenting themselves as the innocent ones but we will not fall into their traps."