Bayık: Öcalan has launched a new phase
Bayık: Öcalan has launched a new phase
Bayık: Öcalan has launched a new phase
Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council member Cemil Bayık spoke to the magazine Sivil in South Kurdistan about the recent developments in the process of talks in search for a solution to the Kurdish question.
Referring to the call Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan made on Newroz in Diyarbakır on 21 March, Bayık said that Öcalan made this call to the whole world, holding a kind of referendum on the democracy and freedom problem in Turkey, Middle East and the world. This referendum has been accepted by millions of people, said Bayık and pointed out that Öcalan's call should be seen as the beginning of a new process.
Bayık criticized the debates on the current process for focusing on withdrawal alone and indicating it as the single step to be taken after the ceasefire in order to achieve a solution to the Kurdish question. Remarking that the process Öcalan has initiated wasn't grounded on the withdrawal of guerilla forces from northern to southern Kurdistan alone, Bayık underlined,"The withdrawal of guerrillas aims to establish a ground for democratic politics. Guerrillas will not withdraw unless the circumstances and conditions required are fulfilled".
Bayık remarked that guerrilla forces will lay down arms on conditions that the Kurdish identity is recognized and Kurds are treated equally. This is the demand for which they took up arms and took to mountains, he said and noted that guerrilla forces are currently maintaining their position within the framework of the ceasefire, waiting for further developments to take place in the current process. He underlined that guerrillas haven't been instructed for the withdrawal yet.
Referring to the Commission of Wise People recently set up, Bayık said this commission should monitor both sides involved in the process and have an objective attitude towards both of them.
Commenting on the role that South Kurdistan government should play in the peace process, Bayık said that Massoud Barzani should play his part and provide further support to the process Öcalan has initiated. Noting that he developments in northern Kurdistan will have a significant effect on southern Kurdistan as well, Bayık said they expected Mr. Barzani to take a step for the formation of the national congress as a contribution to the developments in northern Kurdistan.
Remarking that a considerable part of South Kurdistan supported the current process of talks, Bayık noted that Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has also made remarkable efforts in support of the process in search for a solution to the Kurdish question.
Bayık added that the U.S. should also mediate between two sides involved in the process to display its sincerity about peace and solution in the Kurdish issue.