BDP deputies join HDP's hunger strike in parliament

BDP deputies join HDP's hunger strike in parliament

The Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Muş MP Demir Çelik and BDP Van MP Özdal Üçer joined the hunger strike of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chairs Sebahat Tuncel and Ertuğrul Kürkçü and HDP İstanbul MPs Sırrı Süreyya Önder and Levent Tüzel.

Co-chairs and deputies of the HDP went on a hunger strike in the parliament on Tuesday following a court decision in Diyarbakır which rejected the release of five imprisoned BDP MPs who are currently facing trial on KCK cases.

The Mps of the HDP and BDP opened a banner inside the General Assembly of the Parliament, which read "There is hunger strike inside this workplace".

BDP Muş MP Demir Çelik said they condemned the decision of the courts in Diyarbakır, and evaluated the ruling as a scandal and clear indication of the the point of view against Kurds. Çelik underlined that they see this hunger strike important and support it.

Deputies said the hunger strike will continue until the ending of budget talks in the parliament.