BDP to rally in Kadiköy for Rojava

BDP to rally in Kadiköy for Rojava

The Istanbul Branch of the BDP is organizing a rally in Kadiköy this Sunday, November 24th, to show support for the revolution in Rojava. Members of the BDP walked from Tünel to Taksim Square handing out leaflets inviting people to the rally, which will be held under the title “Resist Rojava, Istanbul Is With You.” Among those handing out leaflets in Beyoğlu were the co-presidents of the BDP’s Istanbul Branch,  Emrullah Bingül and Arife Çınar, BDP Provincial Womens’ Spokesperson Semra Demir, MYK member Hüseyin Gözen. They called on people to voice their support for the Rojava Revolution and to take a stand against the attacks and conspiracies that have been launched against it.

Çinar told those gathered that the Rojava Revolution was a women’s revolution, and that it was “finding its life through women.” She went on to emphasise that while imperialist powers and backwards regimes wanted to break the revolution, that it would be the guarantee of for the freedom of all the ethnic and faith groups in the region. She called on all democratic and socialist factions to support Rojava, and said that “On Sunday we will salute the Rojava Revolution in Kadiköy.”

 The rally will be held at the Kadiköy Iskele at 12:00 on Sunday, November 24th. The co-President of the BDP Gültan Kışanak, the HDP co-president Sebahat Tuncel, and the DTK co-President Ahmet Türk are all expected to participate.

* Translation by The Rojava Report