BDP Youth Congress opens in Amed - Update

BDP Youth Congress opens in Amed - Update

The first BDP Youth Congress has begun in Amed. The congress sees the participation of thousand of delegates coming from different parts of the country.

The congress will also see the participation of many guests from abroad, namely Europe and South America.

The FARC-EP sent a video message saluting the congress.

Kurt leader Abdullah Öcalan sent a message to the congress. "We started young, young people will win", said the Kurdish leader amidst slogan and cheers. The message was read by HDK deputy Sırrı Süreyya Önder.

DTK co-chair Aysel Tuğluk reminded young delegates of the work ahead. "As Mr Öcalan said in his Newroz 2013 message the road towards peace will not be easy nor quick. - she said - Much is the work which needs to be done. We are on it, you young people are on it".