‘Biji Rojava’ mural in Bologna

Italian and internationalist writers painted a mural in Bologna, saying: "Rojava teaches us that an alternative to the national bloody state and patriarchal system is possible."

Activists painted a mural in the university area of Bologna in solidarity with the Rojava (Western Kurdistan) region in northern Syria which has been resisting genocidal and occupation attacks by the Turkish state and allied mercenaries for years.

The mural by Italian and internationalist writers was painted with the colors representing Rojava after the government and university eliminated the other similar paintings previously painted.

In a statement about the action, the activists said: "Rojava means that an alternative is possible. With a world full of wars, where bombs are dropped every day and where there are regions in total chaos with armies that kill people following the orders of their fascist leaders, Rojava teaches us that an alternative to the national bloody state and patriarchal system is possible. So, ‘Biji Rojava’ beyond Rojava shows that this way can spread all over the world."