California Institute in solidarity with Rojava universities
The California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) has issued a statement in support of the University of Rojava and Mesopotamian Academy of Social Science.
The California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) has issued a statement in support of the University of Rojava and Mesopotamian Academy of Social Science.
The statement reads: "We stands in support of our institutional partners, University of Rojava and Mesopotamian Academy of Social Science. We protest the Turkish state’s actions in Northern Syria and the risk those actions pose for the civilian population."
The statement recalled that "the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is a de facto autonomous region in North and East Syria. Since 2012, this remarkable federation has engaged a grassroots experiment in democracy that combines feminism, secular democracy, and social ecology with a commitment to tolerance for religious, cultural and political diversity."
The statement continued: "The area is a home to ethnic Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian-Syrian, and Turkmen populations, as well to communities of ethnic Armenians and Chechens."
The university and the academy, added the statement "are experiments in progressive education. The bold restructuring of social sciences has attracted international attention and support."
The invasion of Northern Syria, continued the statement "not only threatens to destroy a bourgeoning educational project but is also creating a serious possibility for massive civilian casualties."
The California Institute of Integral Studies ends its remarks by calling "on the academics and educators around the world to join us in condemnation of the Turkish invasion of Northern Syria."