Campaign for Öcalan's freedom launched in Finland
The organizers of the campaign are planning to continue their works and projects to bring up Öcalan's situation and to demand his freedom by giving seminars, panels and distributing information.
The organizers of the campaign are planning to continue their works and projects to bring up Öcalan's situation and to demand his freedom by giving seminars, panels and distributing information.
The Kurdish community in Finland started a campaign demanding freedom for Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan as part of activities to mark World Human Rights Day. The campaign was conducted within two weeks’ time and it gained support from many friends of the Kurdish people.
For this purpose, Kurdish Democratic Society Center (NCDK) contacted many different people that have influence in the society, and sent them the appeal demanding Öcalan's freedom. The ones that have signed and given their names for the appeal, include members of parliament, journalists, authors, professors, activists and members of political parties. The appeal was addressed mainly for those influential people, that have been following and supporting the Kurdish struggle for many years.
“The purpose of the campaign is to demand freedom for Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, and along with that, a peaceful and democratic solution for the Kurdish issue. The campaign also seeks to show the importance of the role of Öcalan in negotiating peace, in the same way as it was Nelson Mandela's mission to bring peace and freedom for South Africa. The time has come that Öcalan be freed, so that he can continue with the peace process to solve the Kurdish question,” the organizers said.
The organizers of the campaign are planning to continue their works and projects to bring up Öcalan's situation and to demand his freedom by giving seminars, panels and distributing information.
The list of people who signed the campaign:
Anna Kontula; Member of the Parliament of Finland representing the Left Alliance (Pirkanmaa)
Antti Rautiainen; Finnish activist and author
Emilia Kukkala; Journalist, author, blogger
Henrik Jaakkola; General Secretary of the Left Youth
Ilkka Aho; Artist, painter
Ilkka Jaakkola; Development manager, CoopNet Initiative
Jiri Mäntysalo; Chairperson of the Communist Youth
Johannes Yrttiaho; Member of the Parliament of Finland representing the Left Alliance (Varsinais-Suomi)
Juha Pekka Väisänen; Leader of Finnish Communist Party, SKP
Jukka Ahokas; Member of Finnish Communist Party, SKP
Jukka Peltokoski; Doctor of Political Science, non-fiction writer
Liban Sheikh; Chairperson of the Left Youth
Mai Kivelä; Member of the Parliament of Finland representing the Left Alliance (Helsinki)
Merja Kyllönen; Member of the Parliament of Finland representing the Left Alliance (Oulu)
Mervi Grönfors; Early childhood educator
Olli Tammilehto; Freelance writer and researcher
Paavo Arhinmäki; Member of the Parliament of Finland representing the Left Alliance (Helsinki)
Petra Packalén; Editor-in-Chief of Tiedonantaja
Pia Lohikoski; Member of the Parliament of Finland representing the Left Alliance (Uusimaa)
Pieta Hyvärinen; M.Soc.Sc, Doctoral researcher, Faculty of Social Sciences - University of Tampere
Sami Muttilainen; City Council of Helsinki, Province Council of Uusimaa
Syksy Räsänen: Cosmologist, activist and lecturer in theoretical physics at the University of Helsinki
Teemu Matinpuro; CEO, Finnish Peace Committee
Toni Kallioinen; Vice Chairperson of the Communist Youth
Yrjö Hakanen; former leader of Finnish Communist Party, SKP