This year, members of the Bielefeld Initiative for Peace and Hope in Kurdistan [ Initiative für Frieden und Hoffnung in Kurdistan e.V. ] are once again organizing a collection of donations in kind for children and young people in Maxmur Camp and Shengal [Sinjar]. Unlike last year, the initiative is calling for gifts to be delivered in backpacks because of sustainability and additional benefits. Since the transport costs to South Kurdistan are not easy to cover, a monetary donation of five euros per backpack is requested.
A sample of backpack contents includes new winter clothing, school supplies, dental care, ointments for sores, and candy such as chocolate. Contents should be selected by age groups of 6-10 years, 11-14 years, and 15-18 years.
Those who do not have time to shop or pack a backpack can send a monetary donation. The initiative will then pack a backpack for a child or teenager for the money.
In addition, the Initiative for Peace and Hope in Kurdistan has been organizing a sponsorship campaign since October 2019 to provide targeted educational support for families. The association is calling for support for the campaign.
Initiative für Frieden und Hoffnung in Kurdistan e.V.
c/o Internationales Begegenungszentrum Bielefelder
Teutoburger Straße 106
33607 Bielefeld
Phone: 0157 7539 9487
E-mail: [email protected]
Donation account:
Sparkasse Bielefeld
IBAN: DE53 4805 0161 0025 482977
[email protected]