Campaign in Switzerland for PKK’s removal from the terror list

Signatures have been collected in Lausanne and Aarau for the removal of the PKK from the lists of terrorist organisations. The international campaign will be promoted more intensively in Switzerland in the coming weeks.

The international campaign for the removal of the PKK from the lists of terrorist organisations of the EU and the USA is being supported in Switzerland by collecting signatures on the streets. On Wednesday, street stalls were set up in Lausanne and Aarau for this purpose.


In Lausanne, activists of the Kurdish youth movement have been calling for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan at a stand every Wednesday since 24 November. This week, signatures for the decriminalization of the PKK were collected at the stand. Interested people were informed about the background of the campaign in personal conversations.



In Aarau, the campaign is led by members of the Rojbîn Women's Council and the Democratic Kurdish Community. Signatures were collected at Bahnhofplatz on Wednesday. In the coming days, stands will be set up in other places in the city.

The Democratic Kurdish Community in Switzerland (CDK-S) says that signatures have been collected in several cities on specific days so far. In the coming weeks, the campaign will be extended to the whole of Switzerland.


The campaign was launched in December last year. As a first step, 1003 intellectuals and personalities from many different countries signed the call of the "Justice for Kurds" initiative for the removal of the PKK from the terror list and called for participation in the campaign. The initiative was launched by 29 personalities such as the Nobel Prize winner for literature Elfriede Jelineck and the philosopher Slavoj Žižek.