Can: Support for HDP is increasing

The Spokesperson of the 78s Initiative Celalettin Can stated that the closure case against the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) is a futile effort and that support for the HDP has increased.

Celalettin Can, Spokesperson of the 78s Initiative, who was a member of the Wise Men during the solution process, emphasized that the closure case against the HDP is an indication of how weak the regime is. Can said, "When the solution process started, the HDP received 6-7 percent of the vote, but when the process was terminated, HDP’s vote increased to 13 percent."

Speaking to ANF, Can stated that the government is not concerned about solving the Kurdish issue, and therefore the HDP which represents the issue was targeted. "Kurdish people have a political consciousness seeking rights. They want to close the HDP and leave this grassroot without a leading party and eliminate it.

Can remarked over the Wise Men Committee  during the 'dialogue process': "We were aware that the Kurdish issue would not be solved easily, it was a very long-term issue, but at that time in history there was an opportunity and it was necessary to make the best use of that opportunity. Although nothing happened, fewer people lost their lives for three years, the institutionalization of the Kurdish issue became very strong and the development in Rojava became part of it. Kurdish consciousness in Turkey has not only limited to the East; a people's truth emerged and spread to the West."

Can said that the government had toppled the table when it realized that the process was not going the way they wanted. "They thought that when they took a step, they would win over the Kurds, take them with them, and manipulate them. But when the process developed in favour of the people, the AKP blocked the process."