CDK-F calls on Kurds living in France to protest Turkish state's attacks on Maxmur and Shengal

CDK-F called on the Kurds living in France to take urgent action against the Turkish state's attacks on Maxmur and Shengal.

The French Democratic Kurdish Council (CDK-F) called on Kurds living in France to protest the Turkish state attacks carried out on Maxmur and Shengal.

In its call, the CDK-F said: “The invading Turkish state's attacks on Maxmur and Shengal using drones continue. A civilian named Abu Zêyd Ebdullah Ubêyd was killed as a result of the attack on the Rustem Cûdî Refugee Camp in Maxmur on Monday. The anti-Kurdish mentality of the Turkish state continues to be responsible for the attacks. Turkey’s aim is killing the people of Kurdistan, regardless of whether they are women, old people or children.

Maxmur, Shengal and many civilian settlements in the border region, which are under attack, are in serious danger of massacre. Similar attacks have taken place on dozens of civilian areas in recent months, and civilians have been killed in these attacks. As CDK-F, we call on all our people living in France to take action against these massacre attacks and to expose the brutality of the Turkish state to the French public.”