CDU MP: It is a responsibility to vote 'NO' in the referendum

Michael Gahler, an EP parliamentarian of the CDU which is part of the coalition government in Germany, stated that the situation in Turkey is alarming and voting 'NO' in the referendum would be a chance for the country.

The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) EP parliamentarian Michael Gahler stated that it is a responsibility of voters in Germany and the rest of Europe to block the dangerous course in Turkey by voting 'NO' in the referendum.

Gahler stated that the president would be granted the authority of legislation by enacting statutory decrees in the proposed presidential regime, and said “The Prime Ministry will be abolished and all the authority of ministers will be given to the president. Like I said, there is a way to prevent this and say 'stop' to the dictatorship. I call upon voters from Turkey living in Germany and Europe to vote 'NO' and block the dangerous course in Turkey. This would give the Turkish citizens in Turkey a chance.”

CDU MP noted that the people from Turkey and Kurdistan living in Europe are treated equally no matter what their ethnic background may be, and said “The people in your country have the right to live similarly. You will need to consider these issues when you go to the ballot box. By voting 'NO', you will fulfill your responsibility towards your citizens. This is your responsibility towards your citizens in Turkey so that they can live in democracy and peace. It is your responsibility for all circles, minorities and marginalized groups to not face with mistreatment.”


Gahler pointed out that Erdoğan's policy to increase the tension targets not only Kurds but all the opposition groups as well, and continued: “Even now, 150 journalists are in jail. Tens of thousands of people lost their jobs, tens of thousands were arrested. No matter what the excuses may be, people are being victimized openly under colour of Gülen, PKK and HDP. These are mere excuses that have no validity. They use them against anyone they see as opposition. These practices are definitely not fair. People in Turkey are living under these conditions.”
The current situation in Turkey cannot be accepted by any European country and NATO member states. Turkey has the responsibility to act pursuant to a social state of law. The people of Turkey stood against the July 15's coup attempt. However, they should also see that Erdoğan's practices and what has happened in Turkey after July 15 is a coup against democracy.”

Michael Gahler said Erdoğan was the reason why the resolution process ended, noting that Erdoğan ended the process when he lost his parliamentarian majority after June 7, 2015 elections.

CDU MP continued: “He decided to increase the tension because Kurds did not vote for him. Therefore, he blocked the peaceful process, the only path to a resolution to the Kurdish question. In my opinion, the Kurdish question can only be resolved through political way and dialogue between the parties. Therefore, the resolution and dialogue process before June 7 should have continued but it was abandoned.” Gahler also touched upon the hunger strikes of political prisoners in Turkey and Kurdistan prisons, and said “As the European Parliament, we stood against the arbitrary striping of parliamentary immunities for the arrest of HDP members without any concrete reason. This was the beginning of the process for the imprisonment of parliamentarians.”
Gahler asked why the elected representatives of the people were in jail, and said “They should be in the parliament in order to represent their electors. First of all, the way they were arrested is scandalous and should be resisted. This is the problem: There is literally no judiciary in Turkey. How can one find an independent judge and expect this judge to make a just and legal decision? This is such a chaotic situation. Unfortunately, it is not realistic to expect justice there.

Still, I would like to make this call: Demirtaş and other elected representatives in jail should definitely be released. This unlawfulness can only be amended in this way.”


Gahler emphasized that countries are not just when it comes to basic human rights and prioritize their economic gains, adding: “Due to their different perspectives, I know that EU member states will not resort to sanctions in unison. With regard to political demands, effective civilian initiatives could be developed. As Europeans, we can manifest various boycotts but as individuals rather than as states. For example, we can boycott Turkey in the area of tourism. I hope that as Europeans, we can show our individual sensitivity in economical aspect in this way. Kurdish people may have expectations from the EU but the reality is different because the EU and Turkey are interdependent.”


CDU MP emphasised that Turkey should end its invasion attacks on Rojava, and added: “Turkey may have acted this way because it cannot see a role of itself on the future of Syria as the Kurds in Syria have made permanent alliances with both Russia and the US and receive their support. Before everything else, the presence of ISIS in Syria poses a danger. In all cases, the priority is to fight and get rid of ISIS. Kurds are the most effective force fighting against ISIS, which is why they receive the support of the US and Russia. I do not know that details but this situation does not leave any space for Turkish presence there. Therefore, Turkey has to withdraw its forces from there.”