Child arbitrarily targeted by police hospitalized

Child arbitrarily targeted by police hospitalized

A 14 year-old boy, Ramazan Hanas, was hit on the head by a tear gas canister fired from an armoured police vehicle, which was on patrol in the Sehitlik neighbourhood of Amed (Diyarbakır). When the boy fell down to ground covered in blood, the police immediately fled away from the scene.

The incident reportedly took place on Monday 3 November at the crossroads in the Sehitlik neighbourhood of Amed. The 14-year-old boy was targeted by police patrolling in an armoured vehicle while on his way back home from his father’s butcher's shop. Hanas was hit on the head by a gas canister while his back was turned to police. The boy was taken to the Selahaddin Eyyubi Research Hospital by ambulance. After the bleeding in his brain was stopped, his head was stitched up and he was sent home that evening.

However, he had to be taken back to hospital the next day and a brain MR proved that the bleeding in the brain was continuing. Following treatment, he was again sent home.

Hanas said “I was going home from my father’s shop. I saw the police vehicle when I was crossing the street. While I was continuing on my way, something hit me on the head. It was a tear gas canister. I fell down. I was conscious, but I was not able to see. I opened my eyes in hospital”.

The family of Hanas said they would not leave the issue like that and would sue the police. The family also said they would file a complaint to the Diyarbakır Chamber of Medicine about the doctor at the ER in the hospital, who had not hospitalized Hanas on the day of the incident.