Children poisoned while playing with mercury in Bingöl

In Bingöl, the number of children poisoned by mercury in the school reached 100. Those who were in serious condition were referred to Elazığ. HDP visited the hospitalized children and their families, drawing attention to the seriousness of the situation.

HDP Bingöl Provincial co-chair Veysi Kaya said that the Ministry of Health and the Turkish Medical Association must closely monitor the situation of children poisoned by mercury in Bingöl.

Students from Sancak Primary and Secondary School in Bingöl had gone to Bingöl Maternity and Child Diseases Hospital complaining of headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, redness in the body, rash, burning sensation, itching in the eyes and dizziness. 

According to their statements, after playing with the mercury they found in the school, they began to feel unwell.

HDP Bingöl Provincial co-mayor Veysi Kaya, Provincial General Assembly member Imdat Morsümbül and members of the municipal council visited the hospitalized children and their families to get information.

Serious negligence

The families whose children have been poisoned by mercury said that there was serious negligence about the poisoning, but that at this stage they were only interested in the health status of the children and were worried about permanent health problems.

HDP Bingöl Province co-chair Veysel Kaya made a statement in front of the hospital after the visit. He said that they have listened to the families concerns and demands. He added that the poisoning is very serious. 

Kaya stated that the children in serious condition were transferred to Elazığ, a total of nearly 100 students were affected at the beginning but that new children were brought to the hospital with the same symptoms of poisoning in the last two days.

Kaya asked the Ministry of Health and the Turkish Medical Association to closely monitor the health status of children and to investigate all aspects of the issue.