Today, the Turkish National Assembly is due to vote on a proposal from the Presidential Office to extend the mandate for foreign missions by the Turkish army in Iraq and Syria. By agreeing to the mandate, the head of the Turkish regime would be empowered to decide at his own discretion on “the limit, extent, quantity and timing” for sending troops to the two countries.
There is opposition to this. In addition to the People's Democratic Party (HDP), 16 civil society organizations are now appealing to MPs saying to them “Don't be accomplices - say no to the mandate”. The appeal was made by major organizations such as the 78’s Movement, the Association of Military Dissidents in the Military Coups (Adam-DER), the Alevi Bektaşi Federation, the Anıtpark Forum, the 78 Movement - Ankara, the Ankara Free Thought Movement, the anti-capitalists Muslims, the Peace Foundation, the Union for Peace (DIB), the Dialogue Group, the Platform of Associations of the East and Southeast (DGD), the Initiative against the Criminalization of Thought, the Hacı Bektaş Veli Anadolu Cultural Foundation, the Law and Justice Platform, the Justice movement signed for the victims.
"The mandate will cause major problems and pain"
The statement warns that passing the mandate would worsen the country's problems. The initiatives write: “At this extremely critical time, when we are in a serious economic, political and social crisis, the confirmation of the request by the Turkish National Assembly to extend the cross-border operations for two more years would cause a deepening of the already enormous problems faced by our country and add further pain to our people. "
"Do not hand over all power to a man"
The organisations say: “The decision to send troops abroad is one of the core competencies of Parliament. If you delegate your authority to one person alone, you deprive parliament of one of its core missions, and the terrible consequences of this choice will be seen in a very short time. “
“Don’t be accomplices”
The appeal continues: “We hope that you will not be involved in this decision, which will endanger the future of our children, the economic and social future of Turkey, regional peace and the dignity of our country. We expect you to make a patriotic, peaceful decision and say no to the resolution and not be part of an adventurous war policy and accomplices in this serious crime."