CNT union: Spain must end relations with Turkey
CNT warned that "the life of our partners and our international partners, who have joined their fate to that of the local population is in danger because of the Turkish attack".
CNT warned that "the life of our partners and our international partners, who have joined their fate to that of the local population is in danger because of the Turkish attack".
The CNT (Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo) union issued the "strongest condemnation of the genocidal attempts and ethnic cleansing of the Turkish regime."
The CNT added in its statement: "For some time now, our practical solidarity with democratic confederalism and with the revolution in Rojava has been shaped by supporting the campaign of the Internationalist Commune for the ecological recovery of the area, a campaign also undertaken by the sections of the International Confederation of Labor."
Today, said the CNT, "because of the Turkish attack, not only is this project in danger, but also the life of our partners and our international partners, who have joined their fate to that of the local population. Let no one doubt that we will do everything in our power to defend the revolution, to our internationalist comrades and partners and to civilians."
For this reason, the CNT "demands that the government of Spain, in the hands of the PSOE, stop supporting, or turn a deaf ear to the human rights attack that is taking place in northern Syria, to position itself publicly against this invasion and ask for the air exclusion zone in northern Syria to avoid the massacre of civilians.
Otherwise, we will understand that the government is not interested at all in the fight against Islamist terrorism and indeed is only interested in its trade relations with Turkey and its regime with bloodstained hands."