Coordination of the European Yazidi Community protests Baghdad’s decision to ban PADÊ

The Coordination of the European Yazidi Community reacted that Baghdad's decision to ban PADÊ is an insistence on the genocide process against the Yazidis.

The Supreme Judicial Council in Baghdad has ordered the closure of the Yazidi Freedom and Democracy Party (PADÊ), as well as the Freedom Movement (Tevgera Azadi) and Democratic National Front parties on arbitrary and unfounded grounds.

The Coordination of the European Yazidi Community released a statement protesting the decision, which coincides with the 10th anniversary of the genocidal attacks against the Yazidis, and at a time when the Turkish state is expanding its invasion attacks more than ever.

"Although ten years have passed since the genocide perpetrated by ISIS, there has been no qualitative change in the situation of Yazidis, neither officially nor de facto. This development cannot be explained by coincidence or 'uncertainty’. On the contrary, it is proof of the continuity of the designed and systematically developed policy of extermination. It is not coincidental that the decision to ban PADÊ coincides with the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the genocide,” said the statement on Tuesday.

The statement continued: "The message is clear and unambiguous: 'There is no right to life for Yazidis who want freedom, demand political status and assert their will'. In the face of the sovereign understanding that envisages unconditional consent to slavery and 'fate', democratic and libertarian understanding will continue its uncompromising struggle. As Yazidis, we should know well that unless we ensure our autonomy, freedom and security with our own will and unity of power, with our own hands and organised power, the contemporary hegemonic power apparatuses in the region will not grant us rights or leave us alone. No understanding of prohibition can stand in the way of the Yazidi community's demand for freedom and interrupt the demand for status. The Yazidis are no longer sacrificial sheep, but an organised and strong-willed force claiming their fate and future. No prohibitive understanding can stand in the way of the Yazidi community's demand for freedom and interrupt their demand for status. Yazidis are no longer sacrificial sheep, but an organised and strong-willed force claiming their fate and future. PADÊ may be officially banned, but the libertarian Yazidi community will continue to defend the paradigm and democratic model of society, will continue its struggle resolutely and definitely win."